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allorplastic or human. If we are speaking of ethical goodness with respect. This thesis investigates Deleuze-Guattari's notion of stratification through a series of investigations into their material on language. Stratification is their term for the process by which matter-energy comes to assume the relatively stable historical formations of our social world, and in particular the relationship between subjects, objects and words. Deleuze’s Fold as Urban Strategy Francesco Sebregondi This essay revisits the notion of the urban void as framed in architectural theory of the past decades, in an attempt to highlight the strategic role played by voids in enabling contemporary processes of urban regeneration. The example of the evacuated Heygate estate in South London is used to durée, Deleuze and Guattari venture that all `history is a geo-history’ (1994: 95). In a formulation Deleuze and Guattari would have appreciated, stratigrapher Jan Zalasiewicz describes the earth as `a gigantic machine for producing strata’ (2008: 17).
They immediately rejected its definition “by a human essence” and proposed to define it, like the other main strata, as generated “by a new distribution of content and expression” (p. 60). I ask the question: how does stratification work? I explain its origins in a theory of chaos and show that the three main types of strata are radically disti [Strata] “consist of giving form to matters, of imprisoning intensities or locking singularities into systems of resonance and redundancy, of producing upon the body of the earth molecules large and small and organizing them into molar aggregates. Strata are acts of capture,” Thousand Plateaus p 40. Deleuze links For Foucault, strata are the discourses and practices that establish a 'regime of truth' particular to a social context.
Introduction: Rhizome The two of us wrote Anti-Oedipus together.
PDF Konstruerandet av verkligheter : Gilles Deleuze
Oct 8, 2010 active/reactive, movement/strata, rhizome/aborescent, minor/major, Deleuze and Guattari's concept of the war machine was worked out in Apr 10, 2006 Unity (Binary) Multiplicity. Tracing Mapping.
kaernbraensle struktur och: Topics by
Mille Plateaux ("Tusen platåer") är en bok av Gilles Deleuze och Félix i stället fungerar genom en mångfald av flöden, strata och intensiteter. If the philosophy is the strata or plane for the production of concepts, this new revised Deleuze Dictionary is philosophy at its most creative: here key concepts Eller, om man vill, i serien om teorierna som skapats av Deleuze och Guattari, Each stratum has a unity of composition defined by its milieu, Vi börjar med Deleuze & Guattari, eftersom det ligger närmast till hand för mig. Vi tar en Segmentarity is inherent to all the strata composing us.
International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research creatively adopt serial musical structure as a philosophical trope for thinking identity across strata. Oct 2, 2014 If one tries to unravel what is specifically Deleuzian and what is Guattarian in Appropriating Deleuze and Guattari's terminology on strata, and
as articulated by Deleuze, is proposed as a more accurate conceptual framework to The evacuated Heygate estate (left) and the newly completed Strata. Oct 8, 2010 active/reactive, movement/strata, rhizome/aborescent, minor/major, Deleuze and Guattari's concept of the war machine was worked out in
Apr 10, 2006 Unity (Binary) Multiplicity.
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In my reading I show how the engendering of from desiring production in the molecular strata to the social production of molar individuated subjects and objects. Similarly, the State is also concerned with striating space or building into it a hierarchical system of relations which places the occupants of each strata at odds with those of other strata. As Deleuze and Guattari describe it, the State is concerned chiefly with creating structures or constructs through which lines of flight can be harnessed and controlled. Plane of immanence (French: plan d'immanence) is a founding concept in the metaphysics or ontology of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Immanence, meaning "existing or remaining within" generally offers a relative opposition to transcendence, that which is beyond or outside.Deleuze rejects the idea that life and creation are opposed to death and non-creation.
I explain its origins in a theory of chaos and show that the three main types of strata are radically disti
Fifth, the differential “degrees of species development,” that is, the change in forms in the organic strata, studied by Darwin could be accounted for by the interaction between the random evolution of “the annexed or associated strata,” that Deleuze and Guattari called “parastrata,” and the sometimes imperfect transmission of the “genetic code” carried by a particular
be in Deleuze and Guattari’s third major type of strata: alloplastic strata. This consists of two emergent properties of humans (technology and language) that represent the hand-tool symbiosis and the capacity for translatable expression.
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Deleuze, Gilles. [Mille plateaux. English] A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia/Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari; translation and foreword by Brian Massumi.
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25Foucault, M. (det vill säga ett hegemoniskt stratum av samhället) och en per-. av M Tesfahuney · Citerat av 12 — det universella, re-presentation och det eviga (Deleuze & Guattari 1994: 49-50). Således är de ett slags resonanslådor för olika strata av rasism: vetenskapliga Introduction -- The strata : the formation of thought within a capitalist system -- The assemblage : sport, exercise and dance as cultural arrangements -- The och som mobila approprieringscentrum ( Deleuze & Guattari 1987 : 444 - 445 ) . Således är de en slags resonanslåda för olika strata av rasism : vetenskapliga DeLandas appell till experimentalism går via Deleuze och Guattari, och the worst that can happen is if you throw the strata into demented or Employing the concept of assemblages articulated by Deleuze and Guattari and multiplicity of order and the multiplicity of organization, strata and meshworks, or naval stores value for the French government (Deleuze 1804, 1805; MacPhail 1981; Savage for defining, naming, and classifying strata.
p. cm. Translation of: Mille plateaux, v. 2 of Capitalisme et schizophrenic.