Reklamfilm till Louvren SVT Nyheter


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Click here to visit our frequently asked questions about HTML5  Video: Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test) 2021, April. An error occurred. Try watching this video on, or enable  Förhandsvisning Ladda ner · Volvo Trucks Dealer Locator - Free downloads and reviews . Van Damme and The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test).

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Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split ft. Van Damme (Live Test) Volvo Trucks. 18 oktober 2018 · Today we want to wish a happy birthday to Jean-Claude Van Damme. Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split ft. Van Damme (Live Test) Volvo Trucks.

Han gillar Volvo Trucks youtubeklipp med van Damme-splitten, som sågs av  Knullträdet (B-reel films) eller Jean-Claude Van Damme göra en Epic Split (Folke Film) för Volvo Trucks? Bland årets nomineringar märks till  Många tycker att bilden liknar scenen från den kända Volvo-reklamen där skådespelaren Jean-Claude van Damme gjorde en "episk splitt" mellan två lastbilar.

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Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme carry out his famous split  La filmación de la prueba en vivo de Volvo Trucks 'The Epic Split' con la aparición de Jean-Claude Van Damme ya se ha visto más de 68 millones de veces en  26 May 2014 Van Damme vuelve al candelero, en esta ocasión por protagonizar el spot mientras que Volvo Trucks ha sido nombrado Cliente del Año. 14 Nov 2013 Jean-Claude Van Damme es el protagonista del último anuncio publicitario de Volvo en que se abre completamente de piernas para  2 Dic 2013 El último anuncio de Volvo Trucks se convierte en una de las campañas publicitarias más vistas en internet. Si piensas que Jean -Claude Van  14 Nov 2013 El conocido actor belga Jean-Claude Van Damme protagoniza el último vídeo del Volvo Trucks, donde trata de demostrar las ventajas de su  Jean-Claude Van Damme es el actor principal del nuevo anuncio de Volvo Trucks, el cual se une a la serie de comerciales creativos que ha presentado la marca  29 Jun 2014 Jean-Claude van Damme dispuesto a jugársela subido a un par de camiones Volvo que coemnzarán a desplazarse marcha atrás  13 Nov 2013 "The stunt is real and is performed in just one take," said Anders Vilhelmsson, public relations manager for the Volvo Trucks brand.

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Volvo Trucks-The Epic Split feat.Van Damme[Lyrics]{korean Subtitle]볼보 트럭 광고 한글자막 Jean-Claude Van Damme Stunt Was Real But Not That Dangerous By Todd Wasserman Nov 15, 2013 Since Jean-Claude Van Damme's Volvo ad went viral this week, many commenters have wondered whether the The Internet is buzzing about a new online commercial that shows actor Jean-Claude Van Damme appearing to perform a split between two moving Volvo FM trucks. Volvo says the stunt really happened.

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För musiken har man tagit in den skönsjungande Enya. Nedan kan ni kolla in några av de tidigare reklamfilmerna från Volvo Trucks. Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split ft.
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Volvo trucks van damme

Enlarge this image The easy part: Actor Jean-Claude Van Damme before the trucks 2014-03-11 · Volvo Trucks + Van Damme Posted on March 11, 2014 by smcintosh1081 On November 13th Volvo released an online video of Jean-Claude Van Damme doing his signature splits between two Volvo trucks on a highway. Today we want to wish a happy birthday to Jean-Claude Van Damme. The world’s most flexible 58-year old.

Van Damme (Live Test) Volvo Trucks. August 5, 2020 · · Volvo Trucks-The Epic Split feat.Van Damme[Lyrics]{korean Subtitle]볼보 트럭 광고 한글자막 WATCH THE BEHIND THE SCENES: and SUBSCRIBE for MORE:- YOUTUBE OUR PERS 2013-11-20 2021-03-30 2018-10-04 Volvo Trucks – Jean-Claude Van Damme test drives the new Volvo FM. Volvo Trucks – Teaser Live Test 6. Prior to filming the final take, the production team rehearsed the stunt for three days 2013-11-14 This Volvo Trucks Epic Split commercial shows martial artist, Jean-Claude Van Damme use his physics-defying legs to stand and then split between two reversing trucks.
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Epic split • Maskinisten

Vad tusan är En till intressant demonstrationsfilm från Volvo Trucks. Jag skrev om Volvo trucks kampanj med Jean Claude Van Damme och om Obamas valkampanj 2008. Jag tänkte publicera min analys av  JCVD eller Jean-Claude Van Damme har varit med och gjort en video tillsammans med Volvo där de demonstrerar stabilitet och styrning på  av byrån ”Forsman & Bodenfors” som även gjort Volvo Trucks reklamfilmer, där den mest kända är Epic Split med Jean-Claude Van Damme.

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Volvo Trucks - Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split ft. Van Damme

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Reklamfilm till Louvren SVT Nyheter

Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme carry out his famous split between two reversing trucks. Never done before, JCVD says it's the most epic of splits -- what do you Jean-Claude Van Damme stars in the latest Volvo Trucks stunt films. This video includes the back story and the actual stunt. Van Damme was protected by a hidden safety harness and wire not visible in the final result. A small platform was fitted to each truck behind the wing mirrors to support Van Damme's feet during the stunt. Mikael Rosell was the driver of the truck steering sideways. Both trucks were driving in reverse at a fixed speed of 25 kilometres per hour The Internet is buzzing about a new online commercial that shows actor Jean-Claude Van Damme appearing to perform a split between two moving Volvo FM trucks.

Este vídeo conta com mais de 92M de visualizações e 593K gostos.